Saturday, September 10, 2011

Day 38-Lila's first week of therapy has come to an end

Lila did great this week!  The first couple of days were rough; yesterday was rough getting there in the morning, but great once we arrived.  Today, even better!  She told me the routine while we were driving there in the car, "I will work with Miss Anya, then play with Arthur, and get massage from Bartek.  Mommy you will work?".  So, she is finally getting into the routine...yay!

A large part of this therapy is using the therasuit.  This suit helps the kids to feel what is it like to have the proper alignment and use her muscles in the right way to walk with more structure and balance.  That being said, she was afraid of the suit all week, until today.  She did a great job this morning and let them put the suit on her while she waited patiently...with no crying!  Another hurdle jumped :-)

Check out how it works!

Not only does she have the suit on, but she has 1 1/2 lb. weights on her ankles!  What a champ :-)

Anya, the head PT, can't believe Lila's strength.  She feels that Lila is pretty amazing for low tone, however she does not know how to use the strength that she has.  So, part of this program is teaching her how to use this strength for better balance, control, and coordination.

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