Tuesday, January 15, 2013

New Year, New Lila

Lots of things planned for the New Year in an effort to help Lila progress and give her every opportunity possible to shine!  Today, we began our first 3 week intensive physical therapy program of the year.  Over the past eight weeks, Lila has had a few involuntary movements surface that had either been at bay for a while, or we had never seen them before.  This put us on high alert to watch her progress and the progression of these behaviors.

Sure enough, these involuntary movements have gotten worse, and are especially worse without enough rest or with too much stress.  In the past, Lila has been able to regain control of these behaviors with deep sensory/muscle input (i.e. intensive physical therapy) or stem cells .  Since stem cells are not an option right now, there happened to be an intensive physical therapy opening here in town for the next three weeks, and we jumped on it!

Lila had an amazing morning, where she was totally and 100% into therapy, giving 150% of her efforts and loving it!  Here she is walking with one cane:

I will take the same video in three weeks and share with you her progress!!!!

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