Friday, September 16, 2011

DAY 44....End of week 2 of a GREAT program!

     Today, Lila walked 150 feet with her walking sticks!  Arthur and Bartek said she seemed more tired and needed a little more assistance on her walk today.  It was  a big week for her and she is definitely ready for a break this weekend!  Ralph told me to expect a rough week next week....most kids seem to bonk in week 3 and have a second wind in week 4.  We shall see what happens!

    I wanted to show you all pictures of each of Lila's 3 daily sessions of her new routine, so you have a better visual for what she is doing:

Lila working her core!
Having fun strengthening those legs!
Session 1:     90 minutes

         Lila begins her day with the therasuit.  Core and leg strengthening exercises.
After exercises, she has been walking with her sticks with the suit on.

 Session 2:      90 minutes

   The spider room.  Lila connected to several different bungee cords from all angles giving her control of her legs.  She bounces on the trampoline for 45 min. (strengthening many muscles in her entire body).  Then walks in all directions on the tread mill.  

                                                         Session 3:       90 minutes

                                               Sorry....My camera is full and I could not add photos.  Just picture Lila on a  mat massaging her legs with Bartek(watching Annie, singing "tomorrow") for 45 minutes.  And 45 minutes of more exercises with leg braces and weights on her ankles.  Today was a struggle to finish, but she made it and still gets a piece of gum!  She works hard and is a trooper!

Have a WONDERFUL weekend!

1 comment:

  1. Lila is working so hard it makes me hurt just to watch all she is doing. I am amazed at her strength. Hug her for me and thank you again for allowing us to share this with you. Ruby and Mike
